
Wanted: New Group Members! Please send inquiries here.

We’re Recruiting Post-Docs and Students (PhD and MS) for 2022! Join the TTU sedimentology and stratigraphy group. We pursue cutting-edge research in Earth surface and environmental science, and sedimentology and stratigraphy. Fully funded positions are available: post-docs, PhD & MS students. Get paid for earth science research while earning an advanced degree!

Posted in New

Fall, 2021: GeoAllies Allyship Training Program Launches

The Project Our project was funded in fall 2020, and we are currently recruiting principal investigators (P.I.s), faculty or graduate students, who are running geoscience class-led field trips or research-based field trips in the next 1-2 years (we are recruiting now, but will only launch study participation when universities are running these trips again, after […]